Sunday, May 12, 2013

Shakedown Campout #2

Here’s an update for Scouts and Parents about our upcoming Campout at Camp Wisdom, Dallas, on 1-2 June.

Campout, 1-2 Jun 13, Camp Wisdom, Billy Sowell Boy Scout Camp, 6400 West Red Bird Lane, Dallas 75236  (972) 298-3177

1.           Schedule:
a.       The activity schedule is in work by the SPL and PLC.  We’ll plan to check in at 1030-1100 AM on Saturday, 1 June.  Check in will be in the vicinity of the Pavilion on the north side of the large parking lot.  We have requested the North Star campsite which is very close to the Camp headquarters area.
b.      After check in and movement of gear and Scouts to the campsite, we’ll eat our sack lunches then go to the Pool to do our Swim Tests and have a Troop Swim.  Fee for each Scout for the use of the Pool is $5, payable at check in.
c.       On Sunday, we’ll have a Scout/Parent meeting to go over the latest information for all.  The meeting is scheduled for 1045-1145 AM on Sunday, 2 June.  The meeting will be in the vicinity of the Pavilion on the north side of the large parking lot.
d.      Plan for departure from Camp Wisdom by Noon on Sunday.

2.          Food Plan:
a.       Patrols will plan, purchase and prepare two meals only:  Saturday dinner and Sunday breakfast.  Plan food items for 10 people:  9 Scouts of the patrol plus one adult leader.  Patrol Leaders need to get SPL approval for your meal plan.  Adult Leaders will pay up to each patrol at the Campout.  Patrol Scouts need to pay up to their Patrol Quartermaster.
b.      Lunch on Saturday will be a sack lunch brought by each Scout.
c.       Cooking gear will be provided by Troop 876.  If your patrol needs special cooking gear, contact the Troop D211 Quartermasters for coordination.  Patrols should bring their own cooler with ice or bring ice and meet up with a Troop 876-provided cooler Saturday morning at the campsite.

3.          Campout Gear Plan:
a.       All Scouts need to bring their own individual gear.  Share a tent.
b.      Troop 876 will provide Patrol Gear Boxes, lanterns, stoves, and flys as they did for our Erwin Park campout.  Take good care of their gear. And thanks to Mr. Johnson and Mr. Ragsdale for providing us the gear to use. 
c.       We will load up the Troop 876 Patrol Gear Boxes and equipment on Saturday, 25 May.  Time to be determined.  We’ll need Troop D211 Scouts to assist in that load up.

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