Friday, May 24, 2013

Jamboree Shakedown Campout #2

We are a GO for our second mandatory shakedown campout as we prepare for our Adventure to the National Jamboree in July.  Earlier we sent out some details about the 1-2 Jun campout.  Here are some more details.
Jamboree Troop Second Mandatory Shakedown Campout
When: 1-2 Jun 13
Arrive: Saturday at 10:30 AM
Depart: Sunday at 12:00 PM
Location: Camp Wisdom, Billy Sowell Boy Scout Camp, 6400 West Red Bird Lane, Dallas, TX 75236


Cost: $5.00 per person for the Pool fee for us to take the BSA Swim test and conduct a Troop Swim.  Bring your CASH  money (no checks please) to the campout.  The costs for your two Patrol Meals need to be paid directly to your Patrol Quartermaster or Patrol Leader.
Bring a sack lunch for your Saturday lunch.  Bring a full water bottle when you arrive at camp on Saturday. 
This is a one night campout.   Download the Activity Schedule here to see what we'll be doing on the campout.  We will hike in and out of camp, so pack accordingly.  Be sure to bring your swim suit for the BSA swim test and the troop swim.
Paperwork turn-in at the Check In for the campout:  Risk Acknowledgment Form for each Scout, Adult Leader, and visitor to the Summit.
Medications:  Bring your medications to the weekend campout.  Bring them in a baggie with your name on it.  Medications must be in the original container with dosage/usage instructions.  Mr Donnie Jarvis, ASM, will collect them as part of the Check In process.  Mr Jarvis will administer them and return the remainder/container on Sunday at the Scout/Parent Meeting.
Scout / Parent Meeting:  we will hold a meeting on Sunday from 11:00 AM until 12:00 PM.  The meeting will be held in the vicinity of the Pavilion.  Updates will be provided about the Tour, Jamboree Activities, Gear, patches, medications, future plans, etc.
Status of Gear:  we had hoped that the patches ordered by Circle 10 and OA would have arrived by the campout, but it doesn't look like that will happen.  So, we won't be issuing the Troop's gear (backpack, T-shirts, cap, bag tags, ID tag, small duffel) and the extra patches that were ordered individually to the Scouts yet.   Once we get the patches from Circle 10 and OA, we will finish the preparations of the gear and make arrangements to issue the gear to the Scouts.  When we issue the gear to your Scout, that is when we will need you to pay for the items.  We'll have an update on this situation at the Scout/Parent meeting on 2 Jun. 

Parents are invited to join us for our Scouts' Own Worship Service on Sunday morning starting at 10:30 AM at our North Star campsite (just north of the amphitheater).  You'll need to hike into our campsite.  The hike is about 10 minutes long. 
Individual Gear List for the campout:
tent (2 per tent is okay)                                         
water bottle (full when you arrive)
rain gear or poncho
sun screen
sleeping bag with pad
ground cloth
change of clothes
extra shoes
toilet kit
toilet paper
cup, silverware, plate
trash bags - 2
personal first aid kit
Thanks to Troop 876 for loaning us the use of patrol boxes and gear!!
Be prepared!!  See you soon!!

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