Monday, May 13, 2013

Jamboree Gear Status

1.         Bags
A.    Backpacks:  we have our 40 backpacks on hand.  We are waiting to get the Troop’s shoulder patches from Circle 10 to sew on the back of the back pack.  Circle 10 has ordered them from the vendor.  We may or may not have the patches back by the time of the campout so we may or may not have the back packs ready for issue at the campout.
B.     Small duffel bags:  we are in the process of purchasing them now.  We will have them for issue at the campout.
C.     Large Jamboree duffel bags:  we have our 40 Jambo bags from the Jambo on hand.  We will tag and mark them during the campout and issue one to each Scout at the campout.

2.        Troop T-shirts and Caps and Bag tags and Picture ID card
A.    T-shirts:  we are in the process of purchasing them now.  We will have two per Scout for issue at the campout.
B.     Caps:  we are in the process of purchasing them now.  We will have one per Scout for issue at the campout.
C.     Bag tags:  we are in the process of preparing them now.  We will have three per Scout for issue at the campout.  These are tags for the back pack, small duffel and large duffel.
D.    Picture ID  Card:  we are in the process of preparing them now.  We will have one per Scout for issue at the campout.

3.        Jamboree-issued Uniform Patches
A.    Troop D211 Numeral patches:  we have our 80 patches from the Jambo on hand.  We will issue two per Scout at the campout.
B.     Jamboree 2013 patch:  we have several Scouts who did not get their issue of two at the Erwin campout.  We will complete the issue to those boys.
C.     Troop D211 Jamboree Shoulder Patch (JSP):  Circle 10 has ordered the 80 shoulder patches for our troop.  They expect the patches to be received from the vendor in early June.  We may or may not have them on hand for the campout.

4.        Scout-purchased Uniform Patches or Trading Patches
A.    Patrol Patches:  each patrol must take care of purchasing the patrol patches for their Scouts in the Phoenix, Flaming Duct Tape, Meme and The Best patrols.  A minimum of two patches must be obtained to go on your two uniforms.  More patches may be needed if a Scout will have more than two uniforms.
B.     Patrol and Troop Leadership Position Patches:  each Scout must take care of purchasing their leadership position patches for their Jamboree uniforms.
C.     Extra JSP, D211, trading patches, OA patches:  Circle 10 and the OA have ordered the extra patches that our Scouts wanted from the patch vendor.  We hope to get the patch order back before our June campout.  We may or may not have them for issue at the campout.

5.        Payment for Troop Gear
A.    We are keeping the costs for the Troop Gear (backpack, small duffel, t-shirts, cap, bag tags, ID card) to the minimum.
B.     We expect to come in between $75-$90.
C.     Payment for the gear will be required in full at check in on Saturday, 1 Jun.  Make your checks payable to Ken Altnether.  Thank him for a great job on handling all the troop gear purchase actions!!

6.        Some Gear Planning for the Future
A.    Back packs:  if we don’t receive the JSP and get them sewn on the back packs before our campout, we’ll have to make special arrangements to get them to each Scout after we do have them completed.  We’ll probably have Mr Altnether keep a bunch of them for our Scouts up north and distribute them.  Then we’ll move the rest south and have a distribution point and time for Scouts from around Carrollton, Plano, etc.  We want to get that issue done as soon as possible.  More to follow on that.
B.     Patches on order by Circle 10 and OA:  if we don’t get them by our campout, we’ll have to make special arrangements to get them to Scouts as soon as possible.  We’ll probably do a split distribution method like the back packs.  More to follow on that.
C.     Large Jamboree Duffel Bags:  these large duffel bags will go by truck to Washington, D.C.  We will meet them in D.C. to put on our bus to the Summit.  Circle 10 will schedule a drop-off point and date/time for everyone to bring in their large duffel bag to load it up on the Circle 10 truck.  We expect that will be about a week before we depart on 10 July.  More to follow on that.

Thanks to all.  We are getting closer and closer each week to the Jamboree.  Are You READY?

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