Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Required Risk Acknowledgement Form

THIS IS NOW OUT DATED.  Please see this post for the latest hopefully final form:  http://northstarjambo.blogspot.com/2013/05/updated-medical-consent-and-risk.html

***********************  DEPRECATED  **************************

As Mr. Roop was looking through the Jamboree web-site a couple of days ago, he found a NEW item that may be downloaded here.

The new item is a Risk Acknowledgement form titled:  Liability Limitations,  Restrictions, and Responsibilities - Risk Acknowledgement.  It is a requirement of West Virginia law that participants in adventure and recreational activities complete the form and assume the risk of injury or death that results from their participation.

All Jamboree participants and visitors, Scouts and adults, need to complete this two page form as written acknowledgement.  It must be presented before participants or visitors will be allowed entrance to the Summit.  Please bring the completed form to the shakedown campout on 1 June at Camp Wisdom.

Potential visitors to the Jamboree are advised to complete this form prior to arriving at The Summit.

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