Friday, May 31, 2013

!!! Updated Medical Consent and Risk Awareness Form !!!

ALL PARTICIPANTS:  Please download the updated and marked as final Medical Consent and Risk Awareness Form.  The participant and a parent or guardian must sign this form.  If possible, please turn this in at the campout check-in.

If anyone has signed up for Whitewater Rafting, here is your BSA Release form to be duly signed.

If anyone has signed up for Technical Climbing, here is your BSA Release for to be duly signed.

Actual curriculum assignments are scheduled be published "on or about" June 21, 2013.  Keep checking your dashboard for important updates.

Thank you.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Jamboree Shakedown Campout #2

We are a GO for our second mandatory shakedown campout as we prepare for our Adventure to the National Jamboree in July.  Earlier we sent out some details about the 1-2 Jun campout.  Here are some more details.
Jamboree Troop Second Mandatory Shakedown Campout
When: 1-2 Jun 13
Arrive: Saturday at 10:30 AM
Depart: Sunday at 12:00 PM
Location: Camp Wisdom, Billy Sowell Boy Scout Camp, 6400 West Red Bird Lane, Dallas, TX 75236


Cost: $5.00 per person for the Pool fee for us to take the BSA Swim test and conduct a Troop Swim.  Bring your CASH  money (no checks please) to the campout.  The costs for your two Patrol Meals need to be paid directly to your Patrol Quartermaster or Patrol Leader.
Bring a sack lunch for your Saturday lunch.  Bring a full water bottle when you arrive at camp on Saturday. 
This is a one night campout.   Download the Activity Schedule here to see what we'll be doing on the campout.  We will hike in and out of camp, so pack accordingly.  Be sure to bring your swim suit for the BSA swim test and the troop swim.
Paperwork turn-in at the Check In for the campout:  Risk Acknowledgment Form for each Scout, Adult Leader, and visitor to the Summit.
Medications:  Bring your medications to the weekend campout.  Bring them in a baggie with your name on it.  Medications must be in the original container with dosage/usage instructions.  Mr Donnie Jarvis, ASM, will collect them as part of the Check In process.  Mr Jarvis will administer them and return the remainder/container on Sunday at the Scout/Parent Meeting.
Scout / Parent Meeting:  we will hold a meeting on Sunday from 11:00 AM until 12:00 PM.  The meeting will be held in the vicinity of the Pavilion.  Updates will be provided about the Tour, Jamboree Activities, Gear, patches, medications, future plans, etc.
Status of Gear:  we had hoped that the patches ordered by Circle 10 and OA would have arrived by the campout, but it doesn't look like that will happen.  So, we won't be issuing the Troop's gear (backpack, T-shirts, cap, bag tags, ID tag, small duffel) and the extra patches that were ordered individually to the Scouts yet.   Once we get the patches from Circle 10 and OA, we will finish the preparations of the gear and make arrangements to issue the gear to the Scouts.  When we issue the gear to your Scout, that is when we will need you to pay for the items.  We'll have an update on this situation at the Scout/Parent meeting on 2 Jun. 

Parents are invited to join us for our Scouts' Own Worship Service on Sunday morning starting at 10:30 AM at our North Star campsite (just north of the amphitheater).  You'll need to hike into our campsite.  The hike is about 10 minutes long. 
Individual Gear List for the campout:
tent (2 per tent is okay)                                         
water bottle (full when you arrive)
rain gear or poncho
sun screen
sleeping bag with pad
ground cloth
change of clothes
extra shoes
toilet kit
toilet paper
cup, silverware, plate
trash bags - 2
personal first aid kit
Thanks to Troop 876 for loaning us the use of patrol boxes and gear!!
Be prepared!!  See you soon!!

No Trailer Workday

Due to Troop 876's patrol campout last weekend, there will NOT be a trailer work day tomorrow (Saturday, 25 May) for the Jamboree Shakedown.  Stay home, enjoy the weekend, remember those who have died to protect our freedoms, and make sure to keep walking everyday!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Required Risk Acknowledgement Form

THIS IS NOW OUT DATED.  Please see this post for the latest hopefully final form:

***********************  DEPRECATED  **************************

As Mr. Roop was looking through the Jamboree web-site a couple of days ago, he found a NEW item that may be downloaded here.

The new item is a Risk Acknowledgement form titled:  Liability Limitations,  Restrictions, and Responsibilities - Risk Acknowledgement.  It is a requirement of West Virginia law that participants in adventure and recreational activities complete the form and assume the risk of injury or death that results from their participation.

All Jamboree participants and visitors, Scouts and adults, need to complete this two page form as written acknowledgement.  It must be presented before participants or visitors will be allowed entrance to the Summit.  Please bring the completed form to the shakedown campout on 1 June at Camp Wisdom.

Potential visitors to the Jamboree are advised to complete this form prior to arriving at The Summit.

Jamboree Code of Conduct

Our Troop D211 Scouts, Leaders, and Parents need to understand the Code of Conduct for the Jamboree.  We are going to the Jamboree for everyone to have a safe, exciting, and memorable experience, so there are standards of conduct that we all must abide by.   Those standards are contained in this presentation.  The basis of the Jamboree Code of Conduct is the Scout Oath and Law, but there are other particulars of which all must be aware.

We will go over this Code of Conduct presentation in detail with Scouts and Leaders at our upcoming campout, and it will also be a point of discussion during the Scout/Parent meeting. 

Please take the opportunity now to review the Jamboree's Code of Conduct that may be downloaded here.
Thanks....see you all at the Campout on 1-2 Jun at Camp Wisdom!!!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Jamboree Personal Equipment List

Download the Packing Information and  Suggested Personal Equipment List, dated 11 May 13, here.
This is a very good listing to start making sure you have the proper uniform items fully prepared and the necessary personal gear ready to go to the Jamboree.  The information also talks about our 3 pieces of luggage, electronics, labeling, and medications.
Contact Mr. Roop if you have questions.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Jamboree Merit Badge Opportunities

The merit badge program at the National Jamboree will be focused at the Summit Center.  There won't be a Merit Badge Midway as in past Jamborees, but the merit badges will be spread over many of the different activity areas at the Summit Center.
Check out the list pasted below to see what merit badges are going to be available at the Jamboree.
17 May 13


This National Jamboree will not have a “Merit Badge Midway” at the SUMMIT. 

The following Merit Badges are located in different areas of the Scott Summit Center.


Disabilities Awareness


Game Design
Traffic Safety
Stamp Collecting


Citizenship in the Community
Citizenship in the Nation
Citizenship in the World
Family Life
Scouting Heritage


Small Boat Sailing

Partial requirements of other merit badges will be included as part of the activities in the conservation program areas.

Fish & Wildlife Management
Fly Fishing      
Insect Study     
Plant Science    
Pulp & Paper    
Soil & Water Conservation

Jamboree Personal First Aid Kit

All scouts and leaders at the Jamboree are expected to carry with them a personal first aid kit.  This is a basic minimum list of recommended items. This list should be increased if you have specific needs for allergies, asthma or other medical condition.

1. Moleskin or 2nd Skin
2. A small tube of triple antibiotic ointment**
3. Tweezers
4. Scissors (small)
5. Adhesive bandages (Band-Aids)
6. Two or three gauze pads
7. Tape
8. Aloe vera lotion**
9. Sunscreen**
10. Hand sanitizer**
11. Tylenol/acetaminophen
12. Ibuprofen/Motrin
** Remember that the liquid/lotion items must be 3 oz or less to go through Security at the Airports, and all 3 oz bottles must fit in a single,1 quart bag.  Larger sizes must be packed into your Large Jamboree duffel bag which will go by Circle 10 truck.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Visitor Passes Now Available

Visitor tickets are now available for purchase online. Invite your family, friends, neighbors, and any other Scouts to come and visit this summer's greatest thing ever - the 2013 National Scout Jamboree!

Visitors can do everything that is available in the Scott Summit Center - including BMX, skating, climbing, and zip lines, view all the exhibits, and even attend the Saturday night AT&T Stadium Show. And they can do it all together with you ... if you want them to.

Tell everyone to go to Here they will find everything they need to know about schedules, pricing, and how to register for their visitor ticket today. It's easy!

See you at the Summit in July.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Technology Quest returns to the Jamboree!

Technology Quest will showcase science and technology as never before! Every unit will have a chance to visit the Technology Quest “Cloud” base camp where you can: polish your photo skills and help National Geographic with an attempt at a new Guinness record, experience NASA and NASCAR activities, build robots with LEGO and Parallax, solve a crime with the world famous West Virginia University (WVU) Forensics team, and see chemistry in action with the Franklin Institute.  Michigan Tech will bring back knock your socks off physics.  You can make your own DNA, learn how the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute tracks viruses, fly model airplanes, learn about solar energy, and much more.  Technology Quest is going to ROCK!

These are some of our exciting Partners:

·         National Geographic      
·         NASA     
·         LEGO Mindstorms          
·         NASCAR and TeamSLR  
·         WVU Forensics  
·         Destination Imagination               
·         Michigan Tech 
·         Virtex
·         Microsoft 
·         AT&T 
·         The Franklin Institute 
·         Goal Zero
·         GeoScouting
·         University of Charleston School of Pharmacy 
·         Mountain View Solar     
·         Academy of Model Aeronautics
·         Parallax 
·         Fairmont State

Here is what they have to say about what they will bring to you at Technology Quest:

The Franklin Institute “Don’t miss The Franklin Institute’s Traveling Science Show’s team as they perform an exciting compilation of science demonstrations. See them make multicolor fireballs, suspend a beach ball in mid-air, experience super cold liquid nitrogen and watch a helium balloon inflate by itself!” and “Take geocaching to the next level with clever cache camouflage and challenging hides to find. Meet the authors of the geocaching merit badge and see how YOU can use the sport to help Scouting! Enter to win a trackable 100th Anniversary GeoCoin!”

LEGO “Did someone say LEGO® robots?  Come by the LEGO tent and be one of the first to try the all-new LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 – before you can even buy it!   

Microsoft “Come experience the new Windows 8 laptops and Surface tablets!”

Mountain View Solar  “Learn about renewable energy and sustainability with Mountain View Solar and Goal Zero. Learn how solar panels react under different circumstances. We will address the differences in wiring the panels in (1) series vs (2) parallel, (3) the affect of different light angles on the panel, and (4) the affect of how shading different parts of the panel yields a different result.”

NASA “NASA Advances Science, Technology and Exploration:  Scouts at Technology Quest will engage in hands-on STEM activities focusing on remote sensing, electromagnetic spectrum, the Sun and solar observations, air traffic, air foils, and much more.”

NASCAR and Team SLR “Attention NASCAR fans! Scott “Scotty” Lagasse Jr. and his NASCAR #8 BSA Chevy Camaro will have a strong presence at Technology Quest and will be joined by NASCAR as they share a behind the scenes look into BSA Racing.  Scotty will be signing autographs, talking with Scouts, and sharing his experiences with campers.   Scouts, get ready to start your engines!”

National Geographic “For 125 years, the National Geographic Society has proudly inspired people to care about the planet. As we set out on another 125 years, we invite YOU to join us at the Jamboree for an array of hands-on activities celebrating a New Age of Exploration.”

Parallax “For 25+ years Parallax has provided the electronics industry with high-quality robotics, revolutionary microcontrollers, a wide variety of sensors and a complete line of learning kits for beginners and educators. Our Boe-Bot robot is an approved platform for the Boy Scouts Robotics Merit Badge.”

University of Charleston School of Pharmacy ‘The University of Charleston School of Pharmacy’s Technology Quest tent will provide participants with hands-on opportunities to learn about, and how to help their fellow scouts who face an allergy or asthma attack.  Scouts will view a simulation mannequin having a reaction to a bee sting or asthma attack, race each other at a quick recall station, compound mucus, and more!’

Virginia Bioinformatics Institute “With Virginia Bioinformatics Institute, scouts will be battling a virtual Zombie Virus spreading throughout the Jamboree population. To fight the Zombies and save humanity, the scouts must work together to vaccinate the population against the mutating Zombie Virus, using smart phones or provided wrist bands.”

West Virginia University “Solve the Crime! West Virginia University will bring ten forensic science learning activities representing six areas of forensic science to Technology Quest.  Scouts will have the opportunity to engage in cutting-edge forensic science technology related to fingerprints, blood spatter, firearms, footwear, biometrics, and ALS (alternative light source) evidence detection.”

Technology Quest and WVU are also providing two Science Behind the Sport initiatives: West Virginia University is developing a web site for Scouts attending the Jamboree to appreciate the Science Behind Riding a Zip Line.  Utilizing the equations on the web site, Scouts will be able to predict the maximum velocity of their ride.  In addition, WVU will have an interactive display at High Gear that will address the Science Behind Cycling, providing Scouts with a better understanding of the intricacies of cycling.

Jamboree Gear Status

1.         Bags
A.    Backpacks:  we have our 40 backpacks on hand.  We are waiting to get the Troop’s shoulder patches from Circle 10 to sew on the back of the back pack.  Circle 10 has ordered them from the vendor.  We may or may not have the patches back by the time of the campout so we may or may not have the back packs ready for issue at the campout.
B.     Small duffel bags:  we are in the process of purchasing them now.  We will have them for issue at the campout.
C.     Large Jamboree duffel bags:  we have our 40 Jambo bags from the Jambo on hand.  We will tag and mark them during the campout and issue one to each Scout at the campout.

2.        Troop T-shirts and Caps and Bag tags and Picture ID card
A.    T-shirts:  we are in the process of purchasing them now.  We will have two per Scout for issue at the campout.
B.     Caps:  we are in the process of purchasing them now.  We will have one per Scout for issue at the campout.
C.     Bag tags:  we are in the process of preparing them now.  We will have three per Scout for issue at the campout.  These are tags for the back pack, small duffel and large duffel.
D.    Picture ID  Card:  we are in the process of preparing them now.  We will have one per Scout for issue at the campout.

3.        Jamboree-issued Uniform Patches
A.    Troop D211 Numeral patches:  we have our 80 patches from the Jambo on hand.  We will issue two per Scout at the campout.
B.     Jamboree 2013 patch:  we have several Scouts who did not get their issue of two at the Erwin campout.  We will complete the issue to those boys.
C.     Troop D211 Jamboree Shoulder Patch (JSP):  Circle 10 has ordered the 80 shoulder patches for our troop.  They expect the patches to be received from the vendor in early June.  We may or may not have them on hand for the campout.

4.        Scout-purchased Uniform Patches or Trading Patches
A.    Patrol Patches:  each patrol must take care of purchasing the patrol patches for their Scouts in the Phoenix, Flaming Duct Tape, Meme and The Best patrols.  A minimum of two patches must be obtained to go on your two uniforms.  More patches may be needed if a Scout will have more than two uniforms.
B.     Patrol and Troop Leadership Position Patches:  each Scout must take care of purchasing their leadership position patches for their Jamboree uniforms.
C.     Extra JSP, D211, trading patches, OA patches:  Circle 10 and the OA have ordered the extra patches that our Scouts wanted from the patch vendor.  We hope to get the patch order back before our June campout.  We may or may not have them for issue at the campout.

5.        Payment for Troop Gear
A.    We are keeping the costs for the Troop Gear (backpack, small duffel, t-shirts, cap, bag tags, ID card) to the minimum.
B.     We expect to come in between $75-$90.
C.     Payment for the gear will be required in full at check in on Saturday, 1 Jun.  Make your checks payable to Ken Altnether.  Thank him for a great job on handling all the troop gear purchase actions!!

6.        Some Gear Planning for the Future
A.    Back packs:  if we don’t receive the JSP and get them sewn on the back packs before our campout, we’ll have to make special arrangements to get them to each Scout after we do have them completed.  We’ll probably have Mr Altnether keep a bunch of them for our Scouts up north and distribute them.  Then we’ll move the rest south and have a distribution point and time for Scouts from around Carrollton, Plano, etc.  We want to get that issue done as soon as possible.  More to follow on that.
B.     Patches on order by Circle 10 and OA:  if we don’t get them by our campout, we’ll have to make special arrangements to get them to Scouts as soon as possible.  We’ll probably do a split distribution method like the back packs.  More to follow on that.
C.     Large Jamboree Duffel Bags:  these large duffel bags will go by truck to Washington, D.C.  We will meet them in D.C. to put on our bus to the Summit.  Circle 10 will schedule a drop-off point and date/time for everyone to bring in their large duffel bag to load it up on the Circle 10 truck.  We expect that will be about a week before we depart on 10 July.  More to follow on that.

Thanks to all.  We are getting closer and closer each week to the Jamboree.  Are You READY?