Friday, July 5, 2013

Large Duffel Drop Off-- Sunday July 7th

Remember your large duffel bag is due to be turned in to Circle 10 Headquarters
8605 Harry Hines Blvd, Dallas THIS Sunday, 7 July, between 1 and 4 PM.

I'll be there to see me when you get there. I hope to be able to keep our bags together as they go on the Circle 10 trailer.

  • Be sure to put one of your baggage tags on it. 
  • Be sure to put your pocketknife and any liquids/lotions/gels over 3 oz into it. 
  • Be sure to lock it or use a zip-tie so it won't come open during transportation. 

We'll meet up with the large duffel in Washington, D.C. but won't have access to it until we hit the Jamboree.  So remember to put all the stuff you'll need on tour into your backpack and small duffel.  

Follow the Packing List!!! 

Steve Roop
Jamboree Scoutmaster

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