Saturday, July 6, 2013

Jamboree Update on Many Subjects, 2 Jul 13

Here's a status and information update on many things that are occurring and getting completed this final week before we depart on the Jamboree Adventure.  This is also a reminder message about some last minute actions Scouts need to take to be prepared to go on Wednesday, 10 July!
1.  Troop Gear Issued:  All but 4 Scouts and Leader have their troop gear of backpack, small duffel, tags, patches.  The last 4 will go out soonest as those Scouts return from trips.  Be sure to get your JSP sewn on, baggage tags affixed to your 3 bags, and prepare your trading patches.  Thanks to Mr Altnether and Mr Johnson for handling the troop gear and patches.  If you have questions about troop gear, contact Mr Altnether.  If you have questions about OA patches, contact Mr Johnson.
2.  Medical Forms in Process:  We have about 7 Scouts and Leaders whose medical forms are not yet in a Complete status at the Jamboree.  In a day-to-day process, thanks to parents and Mr Jarvis for working those issues so we can clean up those incompletes and be 100% Complete and fully prepared to breeze through check-in.  We hope to have all those forms ready by the end of this week.  If you haven't heard from me or Mr Jarvis about this, then that means your medical form is in a Complete Status and just awaiting the 4 page Consent form (which we have for everybody).  I have all the Consolidated Consent and Release Forms for all 40 troop participants.  We will turn those into the Jamboree at our check-in processing.
3.  Whitewater Rafting Releases:  I'm collecting copies of the 2 page release form, so if you haven't sent it to me please do.  Scouts are responsible to print down and take their ticket and a copy of the release form.  You'll need both those to board the bus to go to the whitewater activity.
4.  Final Itinerary:  We've completed work with the travel agency, WorldStrides, and I prepared our troop's final itinerary and sent it out to everyone just a bit ago.  Every Scout needs to print down the 8 page itinerary and carry it in their backpack at all times.
5.  Parents' Information Package:  Today I'll be working on preparing the final information package for parents.  It will include the itinerary, packing list, telephone numbers, mailing address, etc.  It'll be a one-stop paper for you to have while we are gone on the adventure.  I'll send it to you via email.
6.  Large Duffel Turn-in and Pick up Schedule:  Large duffel turn-in is this Sunday, 7 Jul, from 1 - 4 PM at the Harry Hines Circle 10 Scout headquarters.  I'll be there to coordinate so see me when you arrive.  The pick up schedule is on Sunday, 28 Jul, from 1 - 4 PM at the Harry Hines Circle 10 Scout headquarters. Be sure to put in your large duffel  your pocketknife and your liquids and lotions that you need that are over 3oz in volume.
7.  Airport Meeting Time 6:30 AM, 10 Jul:  We will meet at the DFW airport at 6:30 AM on our departure day, 10 Jul.  I know the WorldStides info sheet says 7:20, but that is not enough time for us to get ready.  At 6:30, we will need to get organized, collect medications, fill out some more baggage tags and identification tags, collect last minute paperwork, and make sure our baggies of less than 3oz of liquids are ready for TSA.  So please be on time so we can get ready smoothly.  Parents need to remain with us until we are all cleared and passed through the TSA check point.  Then we're off!
8.   Medications:  Be sure to bring your medications to the airport on 10 Jul and turn them into Mr Jarvis.  Be sure to bring written instructions and enough medications to cover the 15 days plus a safety amount.  Watch out for the 3 oz limit in carry on bags.
9.  Personal First Aid Kit:  Be sure to carry your personal first aid kit in your backpack at all times.
10.  Class A Uniform for the Tours:  Wear your Class A uniform at all times on the tours.  We will wear our red Troop T-shirt under the uniform shirt.  The troop t-shirt will help you to stay cool, protect your uniform shirt, and prevent chaffing.  Our Troop hat will also be worn on the tours and travels.  And don't forget the BSA socks!!!!!  Be sure to sew on all you patrol and leadership position patches.  Look Sharp!!
11.  High Adventure Curriculum Status:  The Jamboree assignment process for your High Adventure Curriculum activity has taken longer than they expected. But they are almost done.  Your assignment will be posted on your Dashboard and to the APP in the next couple of days.  So check it out.  The Jamboree staff has reported that 99% of Scouts will get one of their top 3 choices and that 75% of Scouts will get their top choice.  I'll get a listing of all the assignments at the check in.  I think we'll see that most of our Scouts will have their Curriculum activity on the same day.
12. APP 3:  Be sure to download the APP 3 to your smart phone Android and IOS.  It'll be available before the Jamboree begins.  APP 2 is out there now.
13.  OA Brotherhood Ceremony:  Mikanakawa Lodge will probably be conducting a Brotherhood Ceremony at the Jamboree.  If you're interested, let me know and I'll let you know what I find out about the ceremony after we get to the Jamboree.
14.  Summit Challenge Award:  This is a participation award that can be earned while at the Jamboree.  See the SPLAT documents on the Jamboree website for information.  Use this link:    This will be a unique patch with up to 7 different ribbons.
15.  Devotional Guide:  There is a complete devotional guide on the Jamboree website.  If you're going for the Summit Challenge, you'll need to earn Faith and Belief Ribbons and you'll use the Devotional Guide while at the Jamboree.  Use this link:
16.  BSA Help Desk Jamboree Support Group:  their telephone number is 972-580-2489.  Don't hesitate to call them with any questions or problems that you might have.
That's all for now.  Look for the Parents' Information Package soon! 
Send me or any other Scoutmaster your questions!!!!  I hope you're doing some exercising each day to get ready to MOVE while we're on the tours and the Jamboree adventures!   We just have a week and a wake up before we GO!  See you all next week on Wednesday morning at 6:30 sharp at DFW!  Are you excited yet?????

Steve Roop
Jamboree Scoutmaster


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