Here's, what I hope to be, the final status and information update on many things before we depart on Wednesday. So here's some last minute reminders and To-Do's for Scouts to be fully prepared to take off on Wednesday. 1. Medical Forms In Process: Our count is down to only 3 Scouts and one Leader whose medical paperwork is still in work. We are monitoring closely and expect them all to clear soonest. 2. Whitewater Rafting Releases: I've collected a few more copies of the 2 page release form. If you haven't turned yours in yet, please do at the Check In at the airport on Wednesday. The troop is collecting the release forms so we'll have some idea of who is going on the rafting activity. But, remember that each Scout is responsible to take their own ticket and their own 2 page release form to the Jambo and present them to the rafting activity to go on the whitewater activity. Each Scout will be notified of his date/time for the whitewater rafting event. I imagine we'll get that listing when we check in to the Jambo. 3. High Adventure Curriculum Status: I just checked at 1145 hours this morning and the activity assigned is not yet available on the Dashboard. They are still working the Assignment process. If it isn't posted by the time we depart on Wednesday, no sweat, for the Jamboree will give the Troop an assignment listing upon our arrival. 4. APP version 3: As of this AM, it is not yet available. But check back as we go thru the Tour. It'll be there soon. You can use APP version 2 now. You'll have access to your individual Jambo schedule on the APP. 5. Circle 10's OA Brotherhood Ceremony: The Lodge will be conducting a Brotherhood Ceremony at the Jambo. Details to come later. So far, the only Troop D211 interested participants are: Tommy Jarvis, Ryan Roop and Steve Roop. If you want to participate, let me know. Since I don't know all the details right now, be sure to bring your current Mikanakawa Lodge membership card and your Ordeal OA sash. 6. Tour Guide Pamphlet and Final Itinerary: Be sure to put the Tour Guide Pamphlet that I prepared for each of you into your Backpack so you can refer to it while we are on Tour! Also each Scout should have a copy of the Final Itinerary, dated 2 Jul, in his backpack too. Put the itinerary inside the Pamphlet! I've attached the final itinerary again. You'll use the Itinerary during the Tour and during the Jamboree. 7. Reminder about Spending Money for the Tour and the Jamboree: All meal expenses and tour site / event registration costs are already included in your Tour. So, you'll only need money on the Tour for miscellaneous spending like buying gifts and souvenirs, buying snacks, getting some postcards, etc. And each Scout will need to participate in showing gratitude with a tip to our two tour guides: one tour guide for New York City and one tour guide for Washington, D.C. Guide. We are planning on a tip of $80 per tour guide. That means each Scout will need $2 to tip each guide. A total of $4 per Scout. One meal will need to be purchased on 25 July at the BWI Airport as we get ready to board our flight back home to Dallas. We think that $75 per Scout for Tour spending should be enough for most Scouts. For the Jamboree, all meal and lodging expenses are included in your time at the Jamboree, so we recommend that each Scout have $5 to $10 per day for his spending desires on gifts, snacks, souvenirs. Jamboree gear, etc. 8. Troop ID Name Card: A good place to secure the troop-issued ID name card, with all the adult leader's telephone numbers on the back side, is in your Backpack. Look inside the Backpack's front pocket that has the clip and the pen holder slots. Attaching the name card to the clip would secure it and also have it handy if you need to use it. 9. Class A Uniform for the Tour: Wear your Class A uniform with Troop hat and Troop T-shirt to the airport on Wednesday and all the time on Tour. Need to have BSA socks too! Need to have all your patches on too! Wear your nameplate too below the Jamboree patch and above the Boy Scouts of America stitching above the right pocket flap. 10. DFW Departure Plan: Here's the plan for meeting at DFW on Wednesday, doing our troop check-in, and processing into the airport. This was detailed in the Parents' Information Package also.
Travel Departure Plan
Time Activity
6:15 Adult Leaders arrive at Terminal C, Gate area 16.
6:30 Scouts arrive with parents at Terminal C, Gate area 16. Parents requested to stay until their son clears TSA security. (This is the Terminal and Gate status as of Monday, 8 Jul. Be sure to check this before you arrive at the DFW Airport in case the Terminal or Gate is changed)
6:30-7:30 Scouts check in with Troop D211 – parent to accompany Scout for check-in
* Scout in proper Class A uniform with Troop D211 hat
* Turn in medicines (review administration instructions and clarify with parents as needed). Medicines secured.
* Turn in last minute paperwork to adult leaders (whitewater rafting release, medical form updates, etc)
* Prepare WorldStrides baggage tags and identification tags.
* Verify Troop D211 baggage tags and WorldStrides baggage tags are attached to backpack and small duffel carry-on's.
* Verify no knives, liquids/gels/lotions greater than 3 oz in carry-on's. Zip-lock baggie is prepared for less than 3oz liquids/gels/lotions for carry-on's.
* Verify that backpack will fit under the seat; transfer items to the small duffel if needed.
7:00 Adult Leader will check-in with the manifest roster and obtain boarding passes. Leader will hold boarding passes until arrival at TSA security.
7:30 Adult Leaders and Scouts process through TSA security.
* Leaders in front and rear. Scouts organized by patrol.
* Leader hands boarding pass to Scout as they enter security.
* Entire troop waits just past TSA security until everyone has cleared security.
8:00 Entire Troop through TSA security.
Parents dismissed.
Move to the Gate and fill up water bottles.
11. Medications: Be sure to bring your medications to the airport on Wednesday and turn them in to Mr Jarvis during our Troop Check-in. He will need those good written instructions and enough medications to cover the entire trip plus a safety amount (plus 5 days).
12. Liquids/Lotions/Gels through the TSA Checkpoint: Be sure to put your less-than-3oz containers in a 1 quart zip-lock baggie in order to process through the TSA screening. Water bottles must be empty to go through TSA security. We'll fill them up on the other side before we get on the airplane.
13. American Airlines Terminal and Gate for our Flight: Right now on Monday at noontime, our American Airlines Flight #712 is scheduled for departure at 9:20 AM from Terminal C, Gate 16. Be sure to check that gate location before you arrive to the DFW airport. A good flight information number to call is: 800-848-4653.
That's all for now. Just one day and a wake up and we'll be on our way. Please call me or any other Scoutmaster with your questions! See you bright and early Wednesday morning.
Steve Roop
Jamboree Scoutmaster
The place for news about the Jamboree Troop from North Star District, Circle 10 Council.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Final Jamboree Update on Many Subjects, 8 Jul 13
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