Sunday, February 24, 2013

Jamboree Curriculum Preference Worksheet

For those that have had trouble completing the curriculum preference, or for those that have not yet completed it, print out the section below to help you.

DIRECTIONS:  Rank the activities in the blanks to the side 1 for most favorable to – for least favorable//Log on to your Summit Account and Activity Preference, then move the Activities in order of your list on this page by dragging the boxes, 1 at the top, 2 next and so on.

_       Canopy Tour (Aerial Sports) (The Canopy)
_       Shooting (Target Sports) (The Barrels)
_       Advanced Kayaking (Aquatics) (The Kayak Lake)
_       Archery (Target Sports) (The Bows)
_       Birdwatching (Conservation) (Conservation Areas)
_       BMX (Extreme Sports) (The Trax)
_       Challenge Course (Aerial Sports) (The Ropes)
_       Climbing Skills (Aerial Sports) (The Rocks)
_       Conservation Trek (Conservation) (Conservation Areas)
_       Dutch Oven (Conservation) (Conservation Areas)
_       Fly Fishing (Conservation) (Conservation Areas)
_       Geocaching (Conservation) (Conservation Areas)
_       Geology Hike Trek (Conservation) (Conservation Areas)
_       Landscape Painting (Conservation) (Conservation Areas)
_       Mariners Adventure (Aquatics) (West Lake)
_       Mountain Biking (Extreme Sports) (Cross Country/Downhill) (Low Gear)
_       Mountain Biking Skills (Extreme Sports) (High Gear)
_       Nature Photography (Conservation) (Conservation Areas)
_       Orienteering (Map/Compass) (Conservation Areas)
_       Orienteering – GPS (Conservation) (Conservation Areas)
_       Skateboard (Extreme Sports) (The Park)

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