Saturday, February 2, 2013

How to Select You High Adventure Program Activities

Per the previous post and from the webinar that our adult leaders attended, I present the following information about the high adventure activities at the 2013 National Jamboree:

There will be 3 kinds of high adventure program activities at the Jamboree.
  1. Elective program activities:  These activities will be available during the Jamboree on a first come-first served basis.  Scouts will go to the Elective activities areas; wait in line; then do the activity.  The time spent for each activity will be a short time, perhaps 15-20 minutes.  After a Scout completes an elective activity, he’ll get back in line for another go at it or else he’ll move on to another activity.  There will be many Elective activities all over the various program venues.  These elective activities are the same kind of activities that a Scout can experience in a Curriculum program activity but on a shorter time-frame. 
  2. Curriculum program activities:  These activities will be pre-scheduled where each Scout will have the opportunity to participate in one Curriculum activity during the Jamboree.  The time spent in each Curriculum activity will be 2 – 4 hours where the Scout will receive instruction using the EDGE method and the Scout will have the chance to gain or improve his skills.  When a Scout completes a Curriculum activity, he may choose to stay in the program venue and take part in Elective activities.
  3. Offsite Optional program activities:  There are 2 offsite activities available:  whitewater rafting and technical climbing.  These activities will be pre-scheduled; incur a $50 fee; and be limited in capacity.  Technical climbing requires some level of technical ability which could be attained while at the Jamboree.  Scouts will be tested for competence prior to participation in technical climbing.  If the Scout does not pass the skill level test, the fee will be refunded.  Participating in one or both of the Offsite Optional program activities are in addition to the one Curriculum activity per Scout.

Here is the list of the 21 Curriculum program activities:

   Canopy Tour                                         Climbing Skills
   Challenge Course                                 Mountain Biking Skills
   Mountain Biking                                   Skateboard
   BMX                                                     Archery
   Shooting Sports                                     Advanced Kayaking
   Mariners Adventure                               Fly Fishing
   Dutch Oven                                            Geocaching
   Orienteering / Map and Compass          Orienteering / GPS
   Birdwatching                                          Nature Photography
   Conservation Trek                                  Geology Hike
    Landscape Painting

The 2 Offsite Optional program activities (with an additional $50 fee) are:

   Whitewater Rafting on the New River
   Technical Climbing in the New River Gorge

Selecting Curriculum activities and Offsite activities.

            a.  Scouts will rank all 21 Curriculum activities in their order of preference.  Scouts do not have to participate in any Curriculum activities if they don’t want to.

            b.  Scouts will indicate by yes or no their desire to participate in an Offsite activity.

            c.  The Jamboree Program Group will run an Optimization program to assign Scouts to their Curriculum activity and to their desired, if appropriate, Offsite activity.  The Optimization program will assign the most Scouts to their highest ranking Curriculum choice as possible.

            d.  Selection Process:

                        1)  Scout must be registered on line with the Jamboree website

                        2)  Scout must be accepted as a participant

                        3)  Selection signup will open the last week of Jan 13

                        4)  Signup process will be open for 90 days

                        5)  At the end of the 90 day signup period, the Optimization Program will be run and Scouts will be assigned to their one Curriculum activity.  Scouts will also be assigned to their choice(s) of Offsite activity, if requested and if space is available.

            e.  How to Signup – step by step process to follow

                       1)  Go online to the Jamboree website, sign in, go to the Dashboard, select My Curriculum Selection, and then fill in the forms online using 4 Screens.

                       2)  Screen 1: 

                                    BSA Membership ID #:_______________
                                    Name ______________________
                                    Do you have religious restrictions on Saturday or Sunday?__________

                       3)  Screen 2:

                                    Rearrange the list of 1 to 21 Curriculum activities in the preference you desire.
                                    Rank the activities from top to bottom.

                       4)  Screen 3:

                                    Do you want Whitewater Rafting?   Yes or no
                                    Do you want Technical Climbing?   Yes or no

                       5)  Screen 4:

                                    Review your Curriculum activity list order.


  f.  After the Optimization process is completed and Scouts assigned to their activity, the results will be posted to each Scout’s record file on the Jambo website.

  Notes and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
            a.  If you are late to sign up after the 90 days is over, you will have to choose from what is left.
            b.  Can I sign up with my buddy?  No, the scheduling program works only on a single Scout basis per single Curriculum activity.  Our troop will manage the buddy system when we get to the Jamboree.
            c.  Are their makeups for rainouts or sickness?  No, the Jamboree only has so many spaces so there is no  opportunity to reschedule activities.
            d.  Can I make changes in my Curriculum or Offsite choices?  Yes, but only during the 90 day open window.  After the 90 day window is closed and the Optimization program run, there won’t be any changes allowed.
            e.  Is there an age limit on the Whitewater Rafting?  No
            f.  Can I select both Whitewater rafting and Technical Climbing?  Yes
            g.  What happened to having 2 Curriculum choices per Scout?  Not enough time for Scouts to do 2 Curriculum activities.
            h.  Any age restrictions?  Mostly – no.  See program guide.  Pistol shooting is for Venture-aged Boy Scouts only (14 or completed 8th grade)
            i.  What is the capacity for each Curriculum activity?  All different, can adjust a bit using the Selection process, and depends on the number of staff.
             j.  Will everyone get their first choice?  Probably not, but Scouts will get the highest possible choice.
             k.  Can adults participate in Curriculum activities?  No, only for Scouts.  Adults can participate at the Summit Center activity area.
             l.  Adults are required on the Whitewater rafting at 1 adult per 44 scouts.
             m.  Offsite activities will be charged $50 electronically when scheduled.  If oversubscribed, fee will be refunded.
             n.  How do Preview Activities work at the Summit Center?  Stand in line to gain access.  For Scouts, adults, and visitors.
             o.  Can Leaders monitor Curriculum selection process?  No, no access to the system.  Scouts can print down their assignment to provide to Scoutmaster.
             p.  Weather refunds for Offsite Climbing?  Yes, will refund for tech climbing if weathered-out.  Weather does not affect whitewater rafting.
            q.  Optional gear or shoes needed for activities?  No, gear will be provided for all activities.  Scouts could bring special skateboard shoes if want.  All activities require closed-toe shoes.
            r.  What rifles and pistols are there?  Rifles:  22, 223, 308.  Pistols:  22, 9mm.  Can only shoot the 9mm pistol if demonstrate a good skill level.  Must meet Venture age to shoot pistols (14 or completed 8th grade)
            s.  Can we do Scuba elective as a troop?  Yes if want to. Can do individually or stand in line as a troop.
            t.  Will there be a daily schedule for each Scout provided by the Jamboree?  No, print it off your Dashboard and bring it with you.
            u.  What are the dates of the 90 day open window?  You will be notified by email of the start and end.
            v.  Age requirement for Jamboree?  12 or 11 and graduate of the 6th grade.
            w.  Are there shotguns? Yes, 12 gauge
            x.  Will there be a master schedule of all Scouts and their Curriculum activities for the Scoutmaster?  Yes.
            y.  Can Leaders accompany Scouts to Curriculum activities?  Yes, but they can’t participate in the activity, they are for Scouts only
            z.  Will my experience level achieved during Curriculum or Elective activities be kept on file so I don’t have to retest each time I go to an Elective activity?  Yes.

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