Saturday, February 9, 2013

2013 National Jamboree Program Plan for High Adventure Activities

VERSION 2.0 is LOCATED HERE for the High Adventure Program Activities offered at the 2013 National Jamboree. This document also contains information about how YOU will have the opportunity to participate in these activities.
The program model for the 2013 National Jamboree is very different than past jamborees, and if YOU endeavor to "BE PREPARED", ALL of us will have a more fun and enjoyable experience. Please review this document BEFORE going online to make your curriculum program selections.
In January, we had webinars for your local council representatives and unit leaders to discuss this topic, and the materials from those webinars are now posted on the Jamboree website under "COUNCIL RESOURCES".
The CURRICULUM SELECTION PROGRAM is also now available on your participant dashboard. Please remember this is NOT a first come, first served process. It will be available for at least the next 90 days. We will send out a notice with the closing date once that has been determined.
If you have questions you may email me or call the National Support Center at 972-580-2000.
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in implementing this new feature of our National Jamborees.

Russell Smart
2013 National Jamboree
Program Group Chairman

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