Hi All--
I'd like to pass on some new
and some updated information to you all about our upcoming adventure.
Please take care to look this email over and the attachments. We're
trying to keep the information flowing so that Scouts and Parents are up
to speed with all the activities.
1. Thanks for a Super Campout!
Thanks to all Scouts and Scout Leaders. We had a very productive
Shakedown Campout #2. We got our Swim test done, painted our large
duffel bags, had a good meeting and had fun. And some really good
food!!!! fajitas, sloppy joes, and cheese cake!!! Thanks to the Patrol
Leaders, Grant, Taylor, Jacob, and James for doing good work. And
thanks to Amogh, Tommy, Jacob and Will for a very nice Scouts Own
Service. Special thanks to Zachary our SPL for leading all the
activities and events for the troop. All the Scouts did good
work. We are prepared for the Jamboree.
2. Troop Gear and Patches Status: We have been told that we should get our patches from Circle 10 about 24 June.
Then it will take Mr Altnether a few days to get the patches sewn on our
backpacks. Then we will be able to issue all the troop gear to the
Scouts. We plan to have a distribution point and time for Scouts up
north, and have another distribution point and time for the Scouts down south.
Watch for more information as we get closer to getting all the troop
gear ready. We hope to have all of the troop gear and patches issued no later than the end of
3. Updated Packing Information and Personal Equipment List, dated 6 Jun 13:
Please check over the revised list available for download
here. We have made a few revisions
to the lists. We have added a bandana to the Backpack; added a second
water bottle to the Backpack; added one Troop D211 t-shirt to the small
duffel list (and we will wear the other one with our Class A during travel
and tours); deleted the 2 troop t-shirts from the Large duffel; changed
the 3rd water bottle in the Large duffel to optional; and added the
7 Jul
turn-in date for the Large duffel to Circle 10. We do not have a time
yet for the turn-in, and we will probably collect duffels from
Scouts up north to make it a little easier for them. Watch for more info
about the large duffel turn-in later. REMBMEBER to put your pocket
knives and larger than 3 oz liquids/lotions into the large duffel going
by truck.
4. Updated Tour and Jamboree Itinerary, dated 6 Jun 13:
We have added a few Summit Show times for events at the AT&T
Stadium. We are still working with the World Strides travel agency on
the final tour itinerary. Please see the scoutmaster's e-mail for the itinerary. (The blogmaster did not want to make this public)
5. Updated Code of Conduct for the Summit and for the Tour:
This is the same Code of Conduct file shown before with the addition of
a single page covering our Troop's conduct while on Tour. The Code was
discussed with all the Scouts at the pool last Saturday. We are
providing this again so the parents can see the added page for tour
expectations. Download the additional page
6. Whitewater Rafting and Technical Climbing release forms:
See the previous blog post for both forms. If you need to fill them out, please do so and send
me a copy electronically. I do have Whitewater releases for 13 Scouts
already. I do not have
any technical climbing forms. Reminder: payment must be completed for
these activities ($50 each) by 10 Jun.
If you signed up but have not received a payment request yet, call the BSA Help Desk Jamboree Support Group at (972) 580-2489,
to work the problem.
7. Consolidated Release Forms (4 pages): WOW!!
Again thanks for the great effort in getting those turned in. I have
all but two (you know who you are). There is one form that needs the scout's signature. All the other ones are complete
and ready to go. Thanks!!!
8. Personal First Aid Kit: Mr. Jarvis inspected
those at the campout. Some were good to go and some were not. Scouts
are responsible to prepare their personal kit using the list in the Med
Guide. Patrol Leaders need to check.
9. BSA Help Desk Jamboree Support Group: Their telephone number is (972) 580-2489. Do not hesitate to call them with any question you have about processing things.
10. Patrol Patches and Leadership Patches: Scouts need to get their patches on their uniforms!! Patrol Leaders need to check!
Keep on getting ready
Scouts.....get out each day and do some exercise with those boots/shoes
you'll be wearing on our adventure!!!