Have you...
- Entered your High Adventure Curriculum Activity Selection: About 80% of Scouts, 23,000 total, have submitted their rankings online. So, be sure to get your curriculum rankings in soonest if you haven't done it yet. The cutoff date is 14 May. After that, the selection process will be closed. Then the Jamboree folks will run the allocation process. If you don't put forth your rankings, you'll get what is left over! Also after 14 May, the Jamboree will be sending out requests for payment of the $50 for the Offsite Optional High Adventure Activities (white water rafting and Technical Climbing. Let Mr Altnether know if you're having problems submitting your activity rankings online.
- Updated Picture on the Jambo Website Dashboard: Your picture that you have entered into the Jambo website will be The One used for your Jambo credentials. So, update it if you want to. The cutoff date for this update is 30 Apr. If you put a picture in a year ago when you applied.....I think a new one is in order since you've changed a bunch since then.