Here is a document which describes the High Adventure Program Activities to be offered at the 2013 National Jamboree and information about how YOU will have the opportunity to participate in these activities.
The program model for the 2013 National Jamboree is very different than past jamborees and if YOU endeavor to “BE PREPARED” for this experience, the more fun and enjoyable it will be for all of us.
On January 16, 2013 we will have a webinar for your unit leaders and council representatives that will focus on this topic. If you have questions, you might want to share them with your unit leader prior to that time.
During these webinars we will announce the date on which the selection program will go live and following the webinar a notice will be sent to all of you with further detailed instructions.
Thank you for your cooperation and assistance in implementing this new feature of our National Jamborees.