Thursday, December 20, 2012

First Troop Meeting Presentation

As promised, the presentation slides from our first Troop Meeting are available.  Click the below links to get the slides in Adobe Acrobat format:

Presentation 1
Presentation 2

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Online Medical Forms Available Now

Check your e-mail!  There is a very important e-mail with a personalized link to the Jamboree's website.  The subject line of the e-mail is "Jamboree online medical form announcement" in case you need to search your spam filter.

The process to actually get to the medical form does not seem straight forward to me, so here are the steps I took to get there:
  1. Click the link in the e-mail, or copy it to your browser (Firefox is not completely compatible with the website).
  2. Login with your credentials that you used to apply to attend the Jamboree, or your credentials if you have linked your scout to yourself.  
  3. Read the Get Ready!  Be Prepared! page with your participant, and agree to Be Prepared! by checking the box at the bottom.  
  4. Click Next.  
  5. Click Dashboard. (As long as you are here, you may want to update you scout's picture or rank)

At the very top of the Jamboree dashboard, you should have a button for "Medical Form Entry."  Click this button to be taken to the Online Medical Form system.  Follow the instructions carefully.

You will need to complete the form online, then print Part C for your physician to sign (get two copies signed so you can  keep an original signature in your files).  Once Part C is signed, make a copy and send both to the BSA national office at the address indicated.

The deadline to have the forms to the national office is April 15, 2013.  Please get this done no later than spring break to beat the rush of the rest of the nation.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Uniform Sale at Scout Shops

Do you need a new or an additional uniform for Jamboree?

On December 5, Day 5 of the 12 Days of Deals at or your local Scout Shop, there is a great deal on uniforms.

50% Off Uniform Pants When You Buy a Uniform Shirt (Dec. 5 only!)

To see a list of all the sales and/or signup for an e-mail reminder, click here.