Dear Jamboree Troop Scout,
On behalf of the Council Contingent and the leadership of our Jamboree Troop,
welcome aboard! At the 2013 National Scout Jamboree, you will have the
opportunity to enjoy one of Scouting’s largest and most exciting
experiences. This event will focus on the best of what Scouting has to offer
to you. To ensure that you have a great experience, you will participate as an
individual, as a member of a patrol, and in our Jamboree Troop. We will be
working together to be the best National Jamboree Troop in our Council
The Council Jamboree Committee and your Troop Leadership have been
working hard for the past several months to get things ready for you. It is
finally time to meet each other and prepare for our 2013 Jamboree experience.
Between now and the day we get on the airplane to go on our tour and the Summit
Bechtel Reserve, we have a lot to accomplish as a troop. We will identify troop
leadership, form patrols, work through the patrol method, and participate in
training activities in preparation for all the activities that the Jamboree
Trip will provide.
The schedule for the next eight months is busy. Please take the time now
to write all the dates on your calendar, as attendance at all of these
events is required of all participants to ensure that we have
the best prepared Jamboree troop possible.
See the 2013 National Jamboree Troop Training Schedule for future
Jamboree training meetings and events (mark your calendar). Our first Scout/Parent
Jamboree Training Meeting is as follows:
Date: December 2, 2012
Time: 3:30 – 5:00
Location: TBA (check blog site
and email)
Attire: Scouts in Field Uniform
(class A)
Who Should Attend: All Scouts and at
least one parent/guardian
I am looking forward to meeting all of you on December 2, 2012, and
also to a great National Jamboree experience with you at the
Summit . If you have any questions, please email
me at
Also, check-out our troop blog at (become a follower and receive updates).
Yours in Scouting,
David Ragsdale
Jamboree Scoutmaster