Informational Meeting
When: Thursday, March 1, 2012
Where: First Christian Church, 1835 Walnut St., Carrollton, TX 75006
WHO: All Boy Scouts/Venture Crew (and their parents) interested in information about attending the 2013 National Scout Jamboree (see
SUBJECT: The 2013 National Boy Scout Jamboree
is over a year away, but this is not an event you simply sign up for a
few months ahead. Each Boy Scout Council across the nation is already
organizing contingent troops that will depart for New York City and
Washington D.C. before they arrive at The Summit in West Virginia for 10
days of FUN and HIGH ADVENTURE. The
2013 Jamboree will feature whitewater rafting, zip-lining, rappelling,
mountain biking, hiking, and more - with 50,000 of your closest friends
at the brand new Summit Bechtel Reserve in the wilds of West Virginia
that a Scout will remember for a lifetime.
North Star District is forming a contingent troop made up of 36 Scouts
and 4 Adult leaders for the purpose of attending the Jamboree. Scouts
are beginning to sign-up and more are signing up daily.